AI vs Human Creativity: Have we already lost?
AI vs Human Creativity: Have we already lost?

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AI vs Human Creativity: Have we already lost?

As I continue to dig deep into AI and its implications, I’ve decided to write another FATFREE blog post on AI—or, rather, let AI write one for me. My last post was all about AI art and what that means to artists, good or bad. This time I’m challenging AI to write the post and follow it up with some “art” depicting AI creating various artforms—writing, painting, sculpting, dancing, yada yada yada.

I made this  request to the OpenAI ChatGPT program: Describe the significance of artificial intelligence to the future of art.

I made this  request to the OpenAI ChatGPT program: Describe the significance of artificial intelligence to the future of art.

Here’s what I got:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing field of technology that has the potential to significantly impact the future of art. AI algorithms can be trained to generate creative outputs, such as paintings, music, and even poetry, by learning from existing examples and using that knowledge to produce original works. This could potentially allow artists to create new forms of art that would be difficult or impossible for humans to produce on their own.

In addition to generating creative outputs, AI could also be used to assist artists in a variety of ways. For example, AI could be used to help artists analyze large amounts of data, such as images or audio recordings, to identify patterns and trends that could inform their work. AI could also be used to automate certain tasks, such as creating detailed sketches or color palettes, which would free up artists to focus on more creative aspects of their work.

Overall, the impact of AI on the future of art is difficult to predict, but it is likely that this technology will play a significant role in shaping the way that art is created and experienced in the coming years.

I could argue that creating sketches and color palettes is a critical part of the process, not a task to be left to a computer, but overall, it’s pretty good. This leads me to conclude that artists and creators like myself are in deep trouble. In my last article, I was on the fence. But after more playing and prompting, I am realizing that humans are having a hard time creating anything that surpasses AI-generated works today, let alone five years from now.

Still not so sure? Keep scrolling for examples of robots being creative, all generated by AI. 

Warning: While AI Tools like Midjourney and Openai are really quite fun, they can cause huge problems to one’s work day and productivity. Case in point—see the images below that illustrates the timesuck I experienced while writing this article.


AI-Generated Art: Robots Painting


AI-Generated Art: Robots Writing


AI-Generated Art: Robots Drawing


AI-Generated Art: Robots Sculpting


AI-Generated Art: Robots Dancing


Midjourney Collection


OpenIA Collection

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