Checklist for a media strategy that drives results
Checklist for a media strategy that drives results

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Checklist for a media strategy that drives results

Once reserved for big brands and deep pockets, the digital world has put smart, targeted media within just about any marketer’s reach. Programmatic media providers can serve your messages to carefully defined audiences quite cost effectively—simply identify your prospects, choose categories that resonate, and get your ads out there.

While relatively low-friction/high-return, experience has shown me that there are a few important boxes to check off before flipping the switch on your media plan.


You may love the sound of appearing on the CNN home page, but maybe a handful of smaller, up-and-coming mastheads will be more effective against your target audience.


  Take time for due diligence. You wouldn’t leave your kids with a babysitter without checking them out thoroughly. Don’t do it with your customers or ads. Before you choose a programmatic media provider, make sure they’re well respected in the industry. If someone’s promising you thousands of downloads, maybe they’re too good to be true. Try someone more reputable. Then review the proposed site lists carefully and redline anything that doesn’t fit your brand values.

  Let the numbers and your target drive the decision. As with anything in marketing, your strategy should be your guide. You may love the sound of appearing on the CNN home page, but maybe a handful of smaller, up-and-coming mastheads will be more effective against your target audience with a lot less cost and waste. Even better, you can negotiate more aggressive rates with a new player.

  Mix in some variety. Your personas may suggest that your male, 45–64 audience loves golf. But not everyone in your audience is cut from the same cloth. Some may prefer to watch Netflix. Don’t spend it all in one place.

 Consider a few budget scenarios. We usually start by looking at three budget levels—what we’re given to work with, one more conservative option, and one that blows the doors off the competition. You may wind up where you started, but you’ll be making an informed decision to stay there.

  Set aside budget for creative executions. With a 30-second TV spot or 1/4-page magazine ad, you had one execution to worry about. Now you’re likely to need a variety of ad sizes, shapes and file types, and you’ll want to do it right. Let your own creatives do the heavy lifting so the outputs don’t suffer. After all, the prospect isn’t seeing all the executions in the campaign. They’re just seeing one or two, and each ad needs to impress.

 Don’t quit before the finish line. Interested prospects aren’t going to show up at your home page and figure things out for themselves. Create a dedicated landing page that reminds people why they’re there and lays out exactly the next step you want them to take.


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